You have probably heard the old saying , “Exercise is medicine.” Well, it’s not just a saying; it’s the reality . research project proves that regular exercise (150 minutes per week, which is about half-hour , five times per week)—and running in particular—has health benefits that reach well beyond any pill a doctor could prescribe. Studies have shown that running can help prevent obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart condition , high vital sign , stroke, some cancers, and a number of other unpleasant conditions. What’s more, scientists have shown that running also vastly improves the standard of your emotional and mental life. It even helps you reside longer. Best 3 Ways Running Improves Your Health 1. Running can make you happier If you’ve been exercising regularly, you’ve already discovered it: regardless of how good or bad you are feeling at any given moment, exercise will cause you to feel better. And it goes beyond just the “runner’s high”—that rush of feel-good hormones ref...